Build critical thinking skills with our decision making training
We make thousands of decisions a day with a wide range of value and importance. From everyday choices in working with customers to strategic decisions that can change the direction of the business, it is clear that effective decision making is fundamental to achieving goals and generating results needed to succeed.
Critical thinking, problem solving and decision making training can provide and enhance the management and leadership skills needed at every level of the organization. Training provided by Decision Innovation will make it clear why Forbes and Career Builder identified critical thinking, problem solving and decision making as the top 3 job skills in demand for 2013 (Casserly, 2012).
Enhance skills that create results
Your company's future is determined by the decisions made within the organization. Each choice advances one set of consequences while eliminating others. Our training is structured to meet your highest priority objectives. This includes:
- Awareness education for a broad audience
Begin changing the culture to focus on how decisions impact business performance at every level.
Essential skills for everyday decision making
Build skills and judgment that can be applied to improve daily choices. Develop a common language that transcends organizational barriers.
- Decision making for management and leadership development
Provide managers and leaders with tools that enhance successful collaboration and improve outcomes for high value decisions.
- Expert skills for decision analysts dealing with high system complexity
Breakdown complexity and increase speed for significant decisions. Address specific application scenarios.
- Decision coaching for professional development
Get customized coaching for critical decisions with periodic coaching calls or real-time consultations. Develop your skills with support on decisions you need to make now.
Course content customized to your decision making training needs
Unique organizations have different needs for development of decision making skills. We provide a large set of modules that can be delivered as a custom package to meet the specific training needs and budget for your organization. Units include:
For awareness
- Styles of decision making - Explore rational, intuitive and emotional decision making styles to learn their strengths and weaknesses. Learn to identify personal decision making approaches.
- Mistakes, biases, procrastination, and common decision making traps - Avoid and reduce common decision errors through awareness and simple strategies provided in this module.
- Decision making techniques - Get an overview of common techniques, such as multi-criteria, decision trees, pro-con, conjoint analysis, etc., along with typical applications.
For everyday practitioners
Decision making process - Learn the essential elements of a decision making process and why having a process can be important for both individual and team effectiveness.
- Evaluation of decision quality - Decision results may not be known for years. Learn to assess decision making quality before and after the outcomes.
- Decision timing - When is it time to decide? Discover common errors with timing and the information needed to choose effectively.
- Decision influence versus manipulation - Often decisions that impact us are made by someone else. This training explores positive ways to influence decision making, as well as ways to detect and avoid manipulation.
For managers and leaders
- Decision value and prioritization exercise - Larger organizations use this exercise to generate high value opportunities in a single session.
- Ethical decision making - Distinguish personal morals from organizational ethics and guide organizational decision making to meet company core values.
- Theories for making decisions - How should we and how do we make decisions? Gain insight and survey models from neuroscience, psychology, and operations research.
- Group decision making - Make meetings more effective using collaborative decision making to get things done. Choose the collaboration style needed to achieve decision goals.
- Risk and opportunity analysis - Understand how to objectively evaluate and accommodate risk and opportunity in the decision making process.
- Decision support tools and software - Survey of decision making tools and how they support decision making.
Decision making and knowledge - See how decisions relate to problem solving, critical thinking, systems thinking, innovation management, change management, and knowledge management. Learn how connected decisions capture reusable knowledge than can be improved over time.
- Leadership, management, and decision making - An overview of the role decision making plays in management and leadership with a specific focus on managing change.
- Decision automation - Understand topics such as Predictive Analytics, Big Data, business rules and trends in machine decision making.
For expert analysts
- Decision speed - Learn how complexity and decision loops work to slow decision making and what can be done to increase speed.
- Specific decision making technique application - Get detailed training for a specific technique focused on your application.
- Trade studies and tradeoff analysis - Overview of utility curves, multi-level criteria, decision phase gating, and decomposition of large system decisions.
- Connected decisions and requirements management - Complete training on our decision making model to manage requirements and enable true change management for large systems.
Delivery approaches to fit your organization
Our decision making training can be delivered onsite or via the internet to maximize participation and reach. We customize a course optimized to your business that may include:
- Online webinars for awareness and skill training
- Onsite classes for experiential training that can be customized to address current complex problems in your business. Make progress on significant decisions during the workshop.
- Dynamic facilitated decision analysis that combines our services with real time training to build targeted skills while working on key strategic issues
Our training will help people at any level who are required to solve problems, think critically and make decisions. Expand critical thinking, accelerate innovation, and develop leaders with capabilities developed through our tailored workshops and decision coaching services.
Casserly, Meghan. "The 10 Skills That Will Get You Hired In 2013" (2012). Retrieved Sept 10, 2014, from

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